- The quality of your leads. Obviously, your free-trial registrants are not equal. If you can get more qualified leads, your conversion rate will be much higher.
- Whether your signup process is optimized. Are your forms optimized and seamless? How easy is it for them to convert after trying your product? Is the signup process optimized according to your audience?
- How you nurture them. We should nurture each free-trial sign up as a very valuable lead with the highest chance of conversion. The better you can do this, the higher your conversion will be.
- Understanding your audience or buyer persona. The better you can understand your audience, the more effective you can reach for them. Remember if you are a B2B SaaS company, there can be several different roles in your target company that can be involved in your purchase decision—hence, several different buyer personas—
- Choosing and optimizing the right lead generation channels according to your target audience. This can include choosing the right keywords for your SEO and PPC purposes, developing the right content, or developing a lead magnet and sales funnel.
- Having a proper lead scoring system to effectively segment your prospects, optimize your cost per lead, and prioritize your sales and marketing efforts.
- Make sure your forms are optimized for mobile devices. Meaning, your buttons should be clickable on mobile devices, and don’t include too many fields. The sign-up page(s) should appear properly on mobile devices.
- Use personalization when you can. The most common practice here is to use the user’s first name, but you can also utilize various data to include more personalization
- Be plain and transparent, don’t surprise them with unexpected process or lengthy forms. If necessary, you can show a progress bar on the bottom of the page.
- Maximizing Your Email Marketing Potential
- Building your email list effectively
- Make sure it’s delivered
- Use automation
- Use personalization
- Utilizing Chatbots and Analytics for Better Conversions
- You can use chatbots as a lead qualification tool: the chatbot can ask preliminary question like their available budget, their contact information, etc. Only when the prospect passed the preliminary question they will be passed to a salesperson. This can save your time and resources, and you can deliver better service to qualified ones.
- You can integrate chatbot with a lead magnet, for example, offering a downloadable content for those who have consumed a related content in exchange of their email address. Combine this with email marketing.
- An engaging welcome message is always important. First impression does matter, and you might want to optimize this as much as you can.
- Develop a personality for your chatbot. Do you want it to be humorous? Or do you want it to be a polite, humble butler? Be consistent and engaging.
- The main idea is to engage your user based on their (predicted) needs. If the user just abandoned a free-trial sign up, the chatbot can ask a relevant question like “how can we help you with the free trial?” while stating the benefits without being pushy. The better you can predict their needs, the more effective your chatbot will be.
- Set clear expectations of what the chatbot can—and cannot—do. Don’t promise something you can deliver, and vice versa, don’t sell short. For example, if your chatbot will pass the conversation to a real salesperson, tell them exactly that. If your chatbot can’t handle technical support, explain it clearly.
- For each conversation, guide the user towards one potential action—or more—. You can implement CTAs in the form of response buttons if necessary.
- Implementing Inbound Marketing To Get More Leads
- The key to a successful inbound marketing is proper understanding of your (ideal) audience. Specifically, what are their needs? Are there any common issues among this audience? How can your product help them? Then, you develop content to address these needs and problems
- Don’t focus on developing content to sell your product, instead, focus on establishing your position as the thought leader of your niche by providing relevant information. People only purchase things from brands they can trust, and you should leverage on this fact.
- An integral part of inbound marketing is SEO, specifically targeting the right keywords.
- Encourage Referrals