What is Drip Campaign?
Most of us know that ‘drip marketing’ is an automated form of email marketing. Yet, so many marketers misunderstood the concept behind drip marketing and so can’t utilize the full potential. With that being said, let us start this guide by discussing the basics.In its principle, drip campaign is an automated emails (notice the plural) that will be sent based on specific time schedule and/or triggered by user actions. So, the first thing we will need to understand about drip campaign is that we will need to have at least several already-written drip emails prepared. When, say, a user signed up, we have an email sent (usually welcoming them, etc.), when they visited you for the third time, we have another email sent, let’s say this one is informing them about the benefits of your product, and so on.Information, no matter how valuable, will only reach its full potential when it’s given at the right time, and drip marketing with its automation helps you give your audience the right content in exactly the right time. Now that we understood the concept and the principles behind drip campaign, a second question may arise: do drip campaigns truly work? According to a study by WordStream, 49% of businesses use some form of email automation, while a study by Emma suggested that automated emails get 119% higher click rates and drive 18x more revenue than randomly broadcasted emails.Another factor to consider is the fact that you can recycle your email contents to different users with different actions. With the fact that the whole drip campaign is fully automated, you won’t need to put much effort when the drip campaign is already running.Step-By-Step Guide To Successful Drip Campaign
Now that we’ve understood the key principles of a drip campaign, how can we set up a successful, fully automated drip campaign? The good news is, it’s not that complicated, and for the rest of this guide, we will discuss the key steps of setting up a drip campaign.Understanding Your Target Audience
- A user subscribed to your newsletter, and your drip campaign send an automated welcome message
- A user downloads a free-trial product, and you send them several instructional emails (usually 1 each day) over the course of the trial
- A user signed up for your free-trial service, but hasn’t logged in after a week, an automated email is sent to remind them
- A user purchased a product during holidays last year, so this year in holiday season, an automated email is sent to encourage them for another purchase
2. Prepare Your Emails
Now that you’ve understood your audience and certain triggers that must be addressed, it’s time to tailor the contents of your drip emails.This is probably the most effort you will need to put for the whole drip campaign. Yet, if you did the first step right and you truly understood your audiences, this step will be much easier. There are three things you should aim for:- Your content should be valuable for the user and can grab their attention
- What specific action do you want the user to do after reading the content?
- Is there any new knowledge you want to provide for the user?
3. Planning Your Drip Campaign
A US Marine Corps general, Robert H. Barrow famously said back in 1980: “Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics.”In this step, our focus will be figuring out the logistics details of your drip campaign.To ensure a successful drip campaign, you will need to figure out the details from start to finish, and the very first thing you should do is setting up your goals:- How many emails are you going to send, when, and according to what triggers, as discussed in the previous step
- How will you measure the success of your drip campaign
- Have your messages truly align with the triggers as well as your brand in general
4. Running Your Drip Campaign
You’ve decided on a strategy, you’ve planned all the necessary logistics, and you might have also chose an email marketing tool. Congratulations, it’s time to start running your drip campaign. Yet, you might notice that this step is not the final one, and there’s a good reason for that. So, stay tuned for the rest of this guide.The key to this step is to execute all the aforementioned steps as perfectly as possible, so let’s do a quick review:- Keep track of your audience segments or sub-groups, and always aim to understand them better, especially on addressing their problems
- Make sure all the triggers are addressed by the correct message
- For each message, determine the necessity to create a landing page that can further gather more data for that specific audience segment
With a well-planned drip campaign, you can successfully plan an email campaign. For a successful drip campaign, you will be required a successful email marketing platform. As a blogger, I used to update blogs on a daily basis, but I was not getting attention from my niche audience. Hence I thought of investing in an email marketing platform. Thanks to my surprise, I approached EasySendy Drip which turned out to be a successful option as I was able to grow your email list by 15% each month from website visitors. With the help of EasySendy Drip, you can select from a 250+ wide range of Pop up Form templates available in the template library, and add them to your website in seconds.